
Serpent is active on Facebook, both with a friend page and a brand-page. Serpent publishes most products-news and race-news in Facebook, asks for your opinion and at times scoops may appear on facebook first. Just sign up in Facebook and "like" us, so you stay up-to-date with lots of cool news.


Serpent posts all news on the Serpent Twitter page, so its easy to keep track of Serpent news where-ever you are. Follow us now!


Serpent is active on Weibo (a china version of Facebook), both with a friend page and a brand-page. It's in chinese language only. Serpent publishes most products-news and race-news in Weibo and at times scoops may appear on Weibo first. Just sign up in Weibo, so you stay up-to-date with lots of cool news.
