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EC 1/10: friday part 2 (24/07/2009)


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European Championship 1/10 at the Gubbio track in Italy

At the end of the 2 runs, its young gun Kyle Bransson ( age 15 if I am right)  taking Serpent 733 into the top 10, the time from his 1st heat.

His team-mates all had their share of misfortune. Green touched curb and broke a wheel, Salven could only do a few laps, Mazzeo same, Groskamp working on engine/mixture, after a very fast 1st heat, but then DQ'ed from 2nd place due to body being 2mm too low.

So work to do for tomorrow. Speed is there, it just needs to all mix the right way.  The 3rd qualifier in the morning, when its cooler, could be decisive.
And then the 4th and last heat to top it off.

More images and info on redrc.net

Team Serpent