Cesar Salvadori with Serpent 733 and Renato Paiva with Serpent 966 won the 4 round of the
São Paulo State Championship held in Carrefour Track in São Paulo/Brazil.
1. César Salvatori won the Category 1/10 racer with Serpent 733/Nova
Flash and bit the Record of the track 16 .469 .With this result it
returns in the fight for the championship.
2. Renato Paiva won 1/8 with Serpent 966/ Nova Collari
3. Sandro Martines Team Serpent conquered pole-position with his 733 in category 1/10 sports but had a miscalculating his refueling and arrived in 3º place in the end. A good result that keeps in the leadership of the championship.
4 .Track A.P.P.A.
Team Serpent Brasil