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Team: David Ehrbar joins Team Serpent 411 (29/08/2012)


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Serpent S411 190mm Team Edition, Serpent 411 Eryx 2.0 190mm, Serpent 411 Eryx 3.0 190mm

German David Ehrbar  joins Team Serpent
As driver / developer for Serpent 411.

Hello David,
Welcome to the Serpent Team with 411 , we have below questions for you !
Q: When did you start racing and with which car ?
A: My first race was in 1999 when I was racing the Yokomo Stock Cup in Germany. Accordingly the car was a Yokomo MR-4. But before I was driving a Tamiya TA-02 car on the parking lot for some years.
Q: What class, series and main races do you run ?
A: I race electric touring cars in the modified class. Basically I attend all big races in Europe: DHI-Cup, TCM, European Championship and all ETS races.
Q: What is your profession / education ?
A: I have a degree in mechanical engineering and work in the development department of a company that makes printing presses. More precisely I do technical analyses and simulations of components and modules before they go into prototype production.
Q:  What do you consider as your best result to date ?
A: That is difficult to say. I had some A-Final results at ETS races, I was third at the EC indoor Warmup 2011 and I won the Czech Grand Prix in 2009.
Q: What do you like most about TC racing  ?
A: The cars are very fast and the racing scene is very professional. I like very much the technical aspect of things. There are always new things to learn, and if you find half a second over 5 minutes, this can make the difference between making the final or not.
Q: You will be a team-driver for Serpent, but also assist Michael Salven with development, can you explain a bit more ?
A: When I had the first talks with Michael, we talked about vehicle dynamics and I knew immediately we were on the same wavelength. He is a very experienced designer for nitro cars. The S411 is a solid basis. But despite of touringcars looking very similar today, there is still a development race going on, so for the future it is important to have a constant development to avoid falling back. I will bring my experience in electric racing into the cooperation, analyze the car, and collect and discuss ideas in contact with all the other drivers, so that we can decide more precise in which direction the development should go. Of course, I also have some new ideas on my own.
Q: We know your girl-friend Anna is also racing and getting better; are you still able to win ?
A: Less than three years ago she did one lap while I was doing two. Two weeks ago the difference was only a few tenths per lap. Luckily she races in the stock class at the moment, so I will have at least one more year… She has talent.
Q: As you will be at many big races for Serpent, 411 drivers can come over to you for advice ?
A: Of course. I enjoy helping people.
Q: You have a testprogram and  race schedule for next months, prior to the new indoor season ?  
As you ran a Slovak made car before, you will need some time to settle in with Serpent power :)
A: Yes. Of course it will take time to get used to the S411 and unfold its whole potential. I will be on the racetrack most of the weekends now to test the car in every possible condition for the new season. If everything goes as planned, I will also go to one or two smaller races.
Q: When is your 1st bigger race with Serpent 411
A: This will be the ETS opening race near Koblenz on October, 12th-14th.
We hope to see good results from your racing and look forward to the cooperation.
Team Serpent