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Serpent 747, stunning aluminium pullies (06/12/2012)


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Serpent 747 1/10 scale 200mm, Serpent 747-e 1/10 scale 200mm

804304  Geardiff pully front alu 35T
804301  Geardiff pully rear alu 40T
804197  Pulley 21T mid side alu
804196  Pulley 18T mid alu
804199  Pulley 21T 2-sp side alu
804198  Pulley 20T 2-sp center alu

Product-description   Stunning aluminium geardiff pullies for the Serpent 747.  PTFE hard-coated  machined alu inside  with precision tooth profile  and pressed on superlightweight anodized sidecovers with small holes to allow dirt to move out easy.