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Optionals for Spyder 1/10 buggy and SC (24/04/2014)


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C-hub L+R alu SRX2

500237  C-hub L+R alu SRX2
500256  Thrustbearing carbide balldiff  SRX2
500287  Steering arm nr 1 brass L+R
500288  Steering arm nr 2 brass L+R
500289  Steering arm nr 3 brass L+R

For the Spyder SRX-2 /10 buggy Serpent introduces C-hub L+R alu SRX2 complete with steel ball-studs in right size with 4.5mm hex.
Durable CNC machined 7075 T6 aluminium, black anodised and engraved.
3 upper postions to choose from.

Also we offer this new thrustbearing with hardened diff bearing plates and superhard carbide balls.

For the Serpent Spyder RM and MM  Serpent introduce these Ackerman steering arms in brass.

The Spyder kits have 3 different nylon arms standard in the kit already to choose from.

The brass version adds weights to the steeringblock assembly. This gives added stability to the front end.
So, if you race on high bite dirt, or even astro/carpet, you can  use them to reduce high speed steering / oversteer.