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> Chassis carbon 2.5mm S120 LTR (#411378)

> Description · Images (3)


Product Type:
Electric Cars > 1/12 pan
Suitable for:
Serpent S120 LTR 1/12 pancar EP

Chassis carbon 2.5mm S120 LTR

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> Description

Serpent introduce a new 2.5mm chassis and podplate for the S120 LTR  1/12 scale pancar.

More high speed steering on corner entry

In all turns the car feels smoother through the whole corner and carries a more constant arc.

Fast chicanes felt more stable (less roll) and carried more speed.

Rear wheel lift was reduced. Mid-corner the car accelerates faster  and exits more efficiently.

Overall easier to drive – car feels flatter around the whole track

Rear tyres work harder – (moving lipo forward and softer centre spring fix it as needed).

S120 LTR kits:   the kits shipping from april 2017 onwards are fitted standard with these 2.5mm chassis and podplate