24-07-11 | USA; Morganti wins with 966-TE; Timezone GP |
17-07-11 | Austria: Wendy Patrick wins with 966-EVO in Austrian nats 1/8 |
03-07-11 | Giesa with Serpent 966 /Xceed Euro-Champ 1/8 scale 40+ |
03-07-11 | UK: Kyle TQ's and wins round 4 BRCA 1/8 |
30-06-11 | Brasil; Fabricio Zamperetti with 966 National Champ F2 |
28-06-11 | Salven wins 1/8 scale class with Serpent 966 |
09-06-11 | UK: Tim Woods with 966-evo takes 2nd win in UK Nats |
03-06-11 | USA: Jeremy Cupps wins Texas Biggy with 966 |
01-06-11 | EC-B 1/8 Germany onroad: 3 Serpent into main final |
25-05-11 | EC-B 1/8 onroad: Eberle and Giesa with 966 3rd and 4th |
18-05-11 | Salven explains on 966 WC parts 2011 |
10-05-11 | WC 1/8 onroad USA 2011: Paolo reports |
26-04-11 | Australia: Bartolozzi wins NSW Champs with 966-EVO |
25-04-11 | UK, Kyle Branson wins 1/8 scale nats |
18-04-11 | WC 1/8 2011 Sabrina WC 1/8 interview |
16-04-11 | WC 1/8 onroad USA: eventfull last day ends the WC hopes for Serpent |
14-04-11 | WC 1/8 onroad USA: final qualifying ranking and mains -list files |
14-04-11 | WC 1/8 onroad USA: Morganti takes round 4 with Serpent 966 |
13-04-11 | WC 1/8 onroad USA: Morganti sets fastest laptime so far 15.99 |
13-04-11 | WC 1/8 onroad USA: 2 heats done, 2 more to go |
11-04-11 | WC 1/8 onroad USA: qualifying starts today |
10-04-11 | WC 1/8, USA: Free Practise is over |
05-04-11 | Spain: Lopez makes podium finish with 966-evo |
05-04-11 | WC 1/8-USA: track seems ready to go, thursday practise starts |
04-04-11 | WC 1/8 onroad: interview with USA top-driver Paolo Morganti |
30-03-11 | WC 1/8: interview with Andrea Cristiany, Italy |
30-03-11 | WC 1/8: Mark Green intro interview |
14-03-11 | Serpent main sponsor of 2011 IFMAR WC 1/8 onroad USA |
14-01-11 | New: Serpent 966-EVO 1/8 scale onroad |
22-12-10 | Sweden: Mikael Fransson rejoins Serpent for 1/10, 1/8 and 1/12 scale |
07-12-10 | China: Salven wins Xceed TRS Cup in Shanghai with Serpent 966/Mega |
11-11-10 | Germany west: complete Serpent 966 podium at Endurance Team Race |
25-10-10 | FEMCA: Suruth with Serpent 966 FEMCA 2010 Champion |
24-10-10 | USA: Morganti wins NR-cup in Homestead with Serpent 966 |
21-10-10 | USA: Serpent wins Heart of America Series |
18-10-10 | Germany-West: Hepp wins with Serpent 966 last race and 2010 title !! |
17-10-10 | FEMCA 2010 Championship gas onroad, Acotrack HongKong |
14-10-10 | Italy: Andrea Lorenzi Italian Champion 2010 F1 with 966/Max. |
11-10-10 | UK: TQ for Green, win for Branson both Serpent 966, |
11-10-10 | Italy: Serpent 966 racers dominate Alpen-Cup |
11-10-10 | England: Tim Wood 2008-2009- 2010 National Champion 1/8 with Serpent |
05-10-10 | Sotiropoulos 1/8 Greek Champion 2010 |
05-10-10 | Francisco Lara wins Spanish Championship over 40 |
03-10-10 | Sabrina reports German Champ 1/8 in Rötz |
27-09-10 | Germany: 1/8 Nats: victory for Klaus Lechner with Serpent 966 |
25-09-10 | England: Kyle TQs and wins 1/8 BRCA Nats in Brooklands Serpent 966 |
19-09-10 | Netherlands: Victory and National title for van Gastel with Serpent 966 |
13-09-10 | Serpent 733 dominate 3rd round of the South African Championships |
13-09-10 | Swedish Cup Series 2010 final round Eskilstuna |
07-09-10 | Francisco Rinaldi and S-966 conquer the podium at the Argentinian Nats |
05-09-10 | Austria: 1/8 nats: victory for Patrick Wendy 966/Mega |
02-09-10 | England: Green TQ and Kyle wins both with 966 at BRCA nats 1/8 |
01-09-10 | Germany: EFRA GP 1/8 onroad, Sabrina reports |
31-08-10 | USA: Ciccarello wins GLC with Serpent 966 |
29-08-10 | Germany, EFRA GP8; all Serpent podium 966, van Gastel wins 966-Mega |
29-08-10 | USA: Paul Ciccarello with 966 wins Great Lakes Challenge |
28-08-10 | Germany, EFRA GP8; qualifying done, 3 x 966 in top 4 |
15-08-10 | EC 1/8 40+ Austria: Alain Levy European Champion with 966 |
14-08-10 | UK 1/8 Nats TQ for 966-Bransson and win for 966-Wood |
04-08-10 | Report of the Valladolid Race by Nacho López |
04-08-10 | Warm up German Championship 1/8 |
04-08-10 | Serpent wins both classes at the Malaysia Shepherd Cup Round 3 at the Niko Racing Circuit |
27-07-10 | Benelux: van Gastel wins with 966, full Serpent podium |
06-07-10 | Andrea Cristiani report European championships at the Locorotondo track |
04-07-10 | EC 1/8 Italy: Serpent puts 3 cars in the main |
03-07-10 | EC Italy 1/8 gp. qualifying done |
01-07-10 | EC 1/8 Italy: more pictures and 1st practise results |
30-06-10 | Italy: EC 1/8 Team Serpent doing well in practise |
29-06-10 | Italy: EC 1/8 Team Serpent for open practise |
27-06-10 | Kimbrow reports the US onroad nats |
20-06-10 | John Ermen Wins NK at Utrecht track |
17-06-10 | Greece: 1/8 TQ and victory for Serpent driver Sotiropoulos |
15-06-10 | French Nationals 1/8 gas, Redding |
13-06-10 | Japan: Tanaka wins 1/8 Nats with Serpent 966/Max |
13-06-10 | Dutch GP 1/8: TQ and win for van Gastel / 966/Mega, 3rd place Hepp/966 |
13-06-10 | USA Nationals: victory for Tosolini /966 and in Masters Davis/966 |
07-06-10 | Portugal: south Series Serpent 966 2 and 3 on podium |
06-06-10 | Belgium: all Serpent 966 podium in Gernk opening-race, Ermen wins |
06-06-10 | Monaco; Sabrina reports on the EC-B 1/8 |
30-05-10 | EC-B 1/8 Monaco: Tedeschi with Serpent 966 European Champion |
29-05-10 | EC-B 1/8: Lorenzi TQ with Serpent 966/Max |
28-05-10 | EC-B 1/8 Monaco, Wood (Uk) with 966/Mega tops the sheets |
27-05-10 | EFRA EC-B Monaco |
25-05-10 | EFRA EC-B 1/8 onroad, Monaco |
25-05-10 | R.A.M.S RC Race may 22-23 2010 |
24-05-10 | Portugal: 1/8 race report; 6 x 966 in the final |
19-05-10 | Spain: Lopez podium finish in Valencia: report |
19-05-10 | UK: Mark Green (966) Tq's and wins BRCA 1/8 scale nats |
17-05-10 | Italy, Sandro Sammarini wins with 966 in Riccione |
17-05-10 | Christian's report of the Kamikaze Invitational race |
16-05-10 | Argentina: 1st round ARG champs; Serpent victory ! |
11-05-10 | 2nd Round Dutch Championship Rucphen |
09-05-10 | Italy, F1 Nationals:1st Lorenzi and 3rd lodeserto with 966 |
04-05-10 | Andrea Cristiani report the first race of the Italian championship at the Locorotondo track |
03-05-10 | Kamikaze Rc Racing's Report of the Motonica GP in Las Vegas |
03-05-10 | Second South German Round Championship in Greuthof |
01-05-10 | UK, Mendip; 5 x Serpent 966 in the final |
28-04-10 | Texas Biggy: Cupps (966) TQ-s and wins 2010 |
26-04-10 | Germany west: Hepp ( 966) and Rönicke (966) take victory in 1/8 |
26-04-10 | UK: Mark Green (966) Tq's and wins BRCA 1/8 scale nats |
26-04-10 | Italy, Fiorano; Serpent 1/8 races |
20-04-10 | Germany; Bamberg race, Sabrina reports |
20-04-10 | Spain: Lopez with 966 wins Nationals warm-up |
18-04-10 | Italy: EFRA GP 1/8: Sabrina reports |
13-04-10 | Flavio wins the 1st round of the Brazilian Championship |
12-04-10 | USA: Morganti TQ's and wins FSS with 966 |
11-04-10 | Italy, Poliseno Brian wins South Tirol Series |
05-04-10 | Germany West: Serpent podium in 1/8 gas |
01-04-10 | Ilia van Gastel report Warm Up Locorotondo Italy |
30-03-10 | Holland, Ermen reports from 1/8 Nats |
30-03-10 | EC 1/8 warm-up onroad, video semi's |
30-03-10 | Tony Fileccia reports from the Fairplex Pomona track in California |
28-03-10 | Tobias Hepp; confirmed for 2010 with Serpent |
21-03-10 | Italy, EC 1/8 warm-up results, Andrea on podium |
18-03-10 | EC 1/8 onroad warm-up, Italy |
15-03-10 | France 1/8 Nats: full Serpent podium with 966 |
14-03-10 | Lopez with 966 fast in Spain Nats 1/8 |
01-03-10 | 1/8 IFMAR Onroad Worlds track, USA |
15-02-10 | Winternats 2010 by DJ Apolaro |
10-02-10 | Nacho López report Cerdanyola Modelcar Track |
27-01-10 | Agustin Cutini joins Team Serpent Argentina |
26-01-10 | Jim Adkins reports from NovaRossi Challenge, Cali |
25-01-10 | Paul Ciccarello to run Serpent 966 and joins SerpentAmerica |
21-12-09 | Ilia van Gastel returns to Team Serpent |
16-12-09 | DJ wins State Series with 966 |
13-12-09 | Huang Yi-Hou wins Taiwan national with 966 |
09-12-09 | Kissimmee race Report by Sean Lue |
06-12-09 | Sean Lue takes victory in USA Open Nats with 966 |
25-11-09 | Brasil, Flavio takes title with 966 |
09-11-09 | 3-hour race win for Serpent 966 plus team |
04-11-09 | Flavio TQ and wins the 2009 Copa America with 966 |
03-11-09 | Sabrina reports, Race / Fair Friedrichshafen |
26-10-09 | Andrea's report of Monaco |
26-10-09 | Riccobono report of Monaco / 966 |
25-10-09 | Serpent Taiwan Cup, young Huang-Yi-Ho wins |
25-10-09 | Andrea Cristiani wins GP Monaco / Serpent 966 |
25-10-09 | Dani Vega runs Serpent 966 for test |
20-10-09 | NRW Cup, Hepp wins series with Serpent 966 |
19-10-09 | Ricardo Henriques takes 4th spot at Portugal Cup |
14-10-09 | Tim Wood takes UK 2009 title with Serpent 966 |
13-10-09 | French Cup, 5 x 966 in the final and 2x 966 on the podium |
11-10-09 | Domanin and Truglio: Italian Champions 1/8 scale Serpent 966 |
07-10-09 | October-Fest Races, reports Sabrina |
04-10-09 | Germany North: Merlin Depta wins with Serpent 966 |
04-10-09 | Alpen-Cup: Wopfner with Serpent 966, TQ, win and Series winner |
02-10-09 | UK: Mark Green (966) TQ's and wins UK National Mendip |
01-10-09 | Italy 966 demo, Calce, track Cassino, video |
29-09-09 | Germany: Hepp (966) TQ's and wins in Oberhausen |
28-09-09 | Serpent dominates Polish Nationals |
27-09-09 | ITA: Calce wins NR Trofeo with Serpent 966 |
21-09-09 | Ireland: Two Podium finishes for Serpent at Irish Nationals |
20-09-09 | Austria: Tomaschko wins National with Serpent 1/8 |
15-09-09 | Holland: 1/8 Nats Serpent 966 takes 2 and 3 op poidum |
15-09-09 | France: FC 1/8 Clermont Ferrand: 3rd Riccobono -966 |
09-09-09 | Mark Green reports about his World championship race in Lostallo |
08-09-09 | Slovanic Cup, Belarus; Results 1/8 scale |
06-09-09 | Spain: Jacky Mouton European Champion with 966 |
06-09-09 | USA: Qualifying a the Nats GP 1/10 and 1/8 |
01-09-09 | Andrea Cristiani report 1/8 World Championships in Lostallo |
01-09-09 | Germany; NRW Challenge: Hepp wins 1/8 with 966 |
01-09-09 | Flavio wins 4th round of São Paulo Championship in São José dos Campos |
30-08-09 | Paolo Morganti reports World Championships 1/8 in Lostallo |
25-08-09 | WC 1/8: Sabrina reports |
16-08-09 | WC: good practise for Team Serpent |
13-08-09 | WC 1/8: Practise started |
10-08-09 | UK: Serpent wins 1/10 and 1/8 nitro |
10-08-09 | Slavonic Cup: all info now online 1/8 scale |
09-08-09 | Polen: rc racing GP Pacanow |
14-07-09 | UK: Green Tq's and wins with 966, top 4 x 966 |
14-07-09 | Italy: 1/8 nats in Gubbio, good results with 966 |
13-07-09 | Brasil: Flavio Elias (966) is the 2009 1/8 On road Brazilian Champion! |
13-07-09 | Germany: 1/8 Nats Gruber Junior Champ and overall 3rd. |
13-07-09 | Germany: 1/8 Nats Sabrina reports |
13-07-09 | Argentina: racereport |
12-07-09 | Taiwan: Jones wins 1/8 National GP with Serpent 966, Wang 2nd. |
10-07-09 | Brasil; Denilson with 966 wins 1st Cpoa Vale |
29-06-09 | Swiss: 1/8 warm-up race: Sabrina reports |
28-06-09 | Swiss: 1/8 WC warm-up results |
17-06-09 | Sabrina Lechner reports from Europe |
16-06-09 | France: Serpent TQ / wins both classes Elite and National with 966 |
14-06-09 | DJ Apolaro reports Bumod Grand prix 2009 |
09-06-09 | USA: Maxy Velazco takes win at Capitol Classic with 966 |
09-06-09 | Serpent is the leader of the Round 2 of Belarus RC National Championship. |
07-06-09 | Germany 1/8: TQ and complete Serpent 966 podium in North |
03-06-09 | Turkye: Bumod Grand Prix |
31-05-09 | Italy: EC-B Final result: Vadala 3rd for Serpent, 4 cars in the final |
30-05-09 | Italy, EC 1/8 B: Qualfying finished |
29-05-09 | Italy: EC-B 1st heat |
28-05-09 | Jordy Blok wins Concours d'elegance |
25-05-09 | Team Serpent: Jilles Groskamp |
24-05-09 | Italy, EC-B 1/8 Cassino |
24-05-09 | Valentio Rossi with Serpent 966 video |
19-05-09 | Italy, Cristiani wins Sprint Trofeo with S966 |
19-05-09 | Florida Series Season Finale |
18-05-09 | UK: Serpent 966 Green TQ and Serpent 966 / Wood win |
17-05-09 | Andreas Giesa wins first round of German Northern Championship |
10-05-09 | Italy: Valentino Rossi races Serpent 966 |
04-05-09 | Brasil: Flavio Elias TQ and winner with Serpent 966 |
04-05-09 | France: Elite class 1/8 (report Riccobono ) |
04-05-09 | France: 1/8 National class: Serpent TQ and win |
03-05-09 | Valentino Rossi meets Serpent driver Andrea Cristiani (966-Italy) |
26-04-09 | Dutch 1/8 GP: Serpent 966 takes top 4 position in qualifying |
21-04-09 | Germany: Victory for Gruber with 966/MegaZX in Section-East |
20-04-09 | SERPENT NITRO TOUR 2009 - FIORANO |
19-04-09 | New Zealand: 966 track test and race |
19-04-09 | Germany: Sabrina wins with Serpent 966 South Series |
19-04-09 | UK Nats: Green Tq's with 966 and Pete Hastings with 966 takes the win |
14-04-09 | France: 1/8 Nats: Colinet Tq's and wins with Serpent 966 |
08-04-09 | 966 Serpent Spring Steel drive-shafts branded |
07-04-09 | Italy: 1/8 Nats Cassino |
06-04-09 | First Dutch National Championship at the Rucphen track |
05-04-09 | Gianni Sotiropoulo wins first national race in Greece with 966 |
02-04-09 | Scoop: Valentino Rossi secret test of the Serpent 960 in Italy |
30-03-09 | 966 takes victory at the Texas Biggie |
29-03-09 | Germany, Schewiola wins 1st race with S966/Mega ZX in West-Championship |
25-03-09 | Grand Prix EFRA 1/8 Aulnay |
23-03-09 | S-blog: Sabrina Lechner, GP France |
21-03-09 | France: EFRA GP 1/8 Aulnay |
19-03-09 | Serpent 966 and upgrade, supply update |
16-03-09 | Germany, Sabrina Lechner to race Serpent 966 -720 in 2009 |
15-03-09 | Paolo Morganti report Florida Winternats |
15-03-09 | Paolo Morganti report Round 6 of Florida State Series |
15-03-09 | Serpent 966 set-up sheets now online |
11-03-09 | Team France 1/8 with former champs Christiany and Aygon onboard |
10-03-09 | Flavio Elias TQ’s and wins 1st Brasil Nats with 966 !!! |
26-02-09 | Flavio/Brasil on podium at Winternats with 966 |
31-01-09 | Serpent 966 scoop-3 |
22-12-08 | Serpent 960 - DJ wins Toys for tots race |
09-12-08 | Cyprus, Charalambous claims back 1:8 Championship & title with S960 |
09-12-08 | Brasil: Flavio 2008 champion with 960 |
12-11-08 | Andrea Cristiani wins Motonica trophy |
12-11-08 | Matticoli vice-champion at Copa Americano in ARG |
03-11-08 | Dutch Serpent rc car driver tests in F3 car |
29-10-08 | Nam is Korean Champion 2008 with Serpent |
26-10-08 | Germany, Merlin wins with 960 |
21-10-08 | Serpent Drivers Claim All 3 Major On-Road IC Championships in 2008. |
21-10-08 | Flavio Elias & Serpent are Brazilian Champions |
09-10-08 | Tim Wood takes UK 2008 1/8 championship for Serpent |
08-10-08 | Robin d'Hondt 1/8 Belgian Champion 2008 |
16-09-08 | Rischard Dirk is Lux. Champion |
16-09-08 | Double Hungarian Championship honours for Serpent |
16-09-08 | The Apolaro Report - Florida State Series |
15-09-08 | Ermen checks in - Dutch Nationals Round 5 |
15-09-08 | Charalambous take win for Serpent in Cyprus |
11-09-08 | The Apolaro Report - 1:8 US Nationals |
26-08-08 | Wood takes second 1:8 BRCA win |
21-08-08 | The Apolaro Report - Podium at Great Lakes Challenge |
19-08-08 | Victory in Luxembourg for Hepp |
12-08-08 | Hepp wins German regional race |
12-08-08 | ORCA Championship title for Byrne |
06-08-08 | D'hondt's view - Belgain Championship Round 4 |
28-07-08 | Lackner takes European 1:8 Junior title |
25-07-08 | Fantini puts 960 on EC pole position |
24-07-08 | Serpent victory at Texas Biggie |
14-07-08 | Kurzbuch wins Round 3 of Swiss Nationals |
13-07-08 | Connolly is 2008 Irish Champion |
11-07-08 | Wombwell victory for Wood |
08-07-08 | John Ermen checks in - Victory in Luxembourg |
07-07-08 | Connolly repeats double |
23-06-08 | Double Podium for Serpent in Swedish Cup |
16-06-08 | Paolo Morganti reports on Capitol Classic |
16-06-08 | Serpent 1-2-3 at ORCA Race |
08-06-08 | Champion Cabezas takes first win |
04-06-08 | Dirk wins Luxembourg National |
03-06-08 | Connolly first to do the double in Ireland |
28-05-08 | Cristiani wins Italian 1:8 Open Championship |
27-05-08 | Futaba OS Jakarta Open report from Peter Widjaja |
21-05-08 | The Apolaro Report - Roar Region 4 Championships |
20-05-08 | Hicklin maintains Serpent winning run |
18-05-08 | Return victory for Lacey |
13-05-08 | Salven eases to Oberhausen victory |
11-05-08 | Salven to support Serpent drivers at 1:8 EC-B |
04-05-08 | Tomaschko wins 1:8 EC-B Warm Up Race |
27-04-08 | Serpent 960 1-2-3 at Halifax |
27-04-08 | TQ & Podium for Lackner in Swiss Nationals |
24-04-08 | Serpent 960-08 kit production ready |
15-04-08 | Robin D'Hondt reports on his first Belgian National encounter |
14-04-08 | Serpent get Hungarian Nationals off to a great start |
07-04-08 | Great start to Irish Nationals for Team Serpent |
07-04-08 | Cabezas takes first podium in Round 2 |
02-04-08 | Andrea Cristiani reports on the Italian Nitro Tour |
31-03-08 | Nam takes double win at KORG |
26-03-08 | Italian Serpent Nitro Tour returns to Fiorano |
26-03-08 | Diver wins BRCA 1:8 Season opener |
05-03-08 | Champion Sotiropoulos wins Greek Nationals opener |
27-02-08 | Paolo Morganti reports on how 'the unbreakable broke' |
25-02-08 | Cabezas breaks track record in Spanish 1:8 opener |
24-02-08 | Too little fuel, too much rain - Jared Scott gives his account of the Winternats |
29-01-08 | Tobias Hepp joins SDD program |
23-01-08 | Another successful Hong Kong Nitro Tour |
06-01-08 | Hong Kong kicks off 2008 Serpent Nitro Tour |
16-12-07 | Serpent introduce the 960-08 |
28-11-07 | Sang Jun & Hyun Ho win 2007 Korea Cup |
19-11-07 | Zachariades claims back to back 1:8 Championships & title double |
13-11-07 | Nations Cup glory for Spain and Netherlands |
30-10-07 | Sotiropoulos is Greek 1:8 Champion Again! |
24-10-07 | Serpent end BRCA Nationals with 960 1-2 finish |
21-10-07 | Back to back Spanish National titles for Cabezas |
21-10-07 | Defending Nations Cup Champions announce strong 2007 squad |
16-10-07 | Serpent Racing School AMCA Apeldoorn |
15-10-07 | Spain confirms Serpent Nations Cup teams |
14-10-07 | WC - Andrea Cristiani is Vice World Champion |
12-10-07 | WC - Fantini & Serpent 960 claim TQ in Cordoba |
10-10-07 | WC - Fantini holds pole position going into day 3 |
09-10-07 | WC - Serpent top qualifying after 2 rounds |
01-10-07 | Green & Serpent are British 1:8 Champions |
01-10-07 | Austria announce strong Nations Cup squad |
25-09-07 | Luxembourg title for Rischard & Serpent 960 |
24-09-07 | Team Serpent Brazil secure another double win |
10-09-07 | Connolly heads Serpent 1-2 in Irish National |
03-09-07 | Bergfelt is Swedish Champion |
27-08-07 | Green claims fifth 1:8 win in UK Championship |
20-08-07 | Serpent/Mega dominate 3rd Round of South African Championships |
20-08-07 | Dalton Touring Master |
30-07-07 | Ireland first to confirm teams for 2007 Nations Cup |
27-07-07 | Salven TQ's European Championships |
26-07-07 | Serpent host EC BBQ, Geisendorf Fastest |
26-07-07 | Serpent heads EC Qualifying as Cuypers is fastest at Lostallo |
24-07-07 | SangJun and DooHyun win latest Serpent Korea Cup encounter |
22-07-07 | Green shows the way again in latest British 1:8 encounter |
15-07-07 | 2007 Nations Cup date announced |
10-07-07 | Serpent do the double at Trofeo Novarossi |
10-07-07 | D'Hondt wins at Bierset |
04-07-07 | De Vallier & Serpent crowned Italian Junior Champions |
01-07-07 | D'Hondt claims Benelux Championship title |
27-06-07 | Suruth triumphs at Singapore Invitational Challenge |
26-06-07 | Cupps wins at Region Nine ROAR Championships |
25-06-07 | Wood wins to keep Serpent domination intact |
17-04-07 | Colinet triumphs at Besançon |
17-04-07 | D'hondt on top in Belgium |
12-03-07 | Cabezas conquers all in Spanish Nationals opener |
09-11-06 | Tadahiko Sahashi (Serpent/Mega) TQ's Japan Nats 1/8 |
12-06-06 | Masao Tanaka 2006 Asia-FEMCA championships |
10-06-06 | GP 1/8 Sweden |
10-06-06 | GP 1/8 Sweden. Salven interview |
01-06-06 | Fransson wins 1/8 National with S960 |
28-05-06 | Andrea Serpent 960/Max wins EC-B 2006 |
27-05-06 | Christiani (I) Serpent 960/Max TQ at 2006 EC-B France |
23-05-06 | Cuypers wins 1/8 scale Belgian Nats in Luxemboug |
17-05-06 | Racing in Argentina |
06-05-06 | Team Serpent / Mega dominate the Florida Series |
03-05-06 | Races 30 april 2006 |
25-04-06 | Swiss 1/8: Geisendorf TQ and win in Schaffhausen |
24-04-06 | Nock Yokoyama TQ and Tanaka 1st both Serpent 960 |
28-03-06 | FRANCE GP 1/8 |
25-03-06 | Salven TQ at French GP 2006 |
15-02-06 | Central Park Endurance race 150 minutes |
05-01-06 | 2-Speed GMBH new Serpent-Mega distributor for Germany |
04-01-06 | Arya from Indonesia at Hong Kong Serpent Nitro Tour |