> 1/8 · Formula · 1/8 offroad · 1/10 200mm · 1/10 235mm

> Serpent 966 1/8 scale 4WD EVO (#903009)

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Product Type:
Gas Cars > 1/8

Serpent 1/8 scale 4wd gaspowered racing car chassis. Serpent 966 is the next generation race-car based on the highly successfull Serpent 960 platform. For 2011 season main updates. - new type rear alu brackets and alu 2-speed brackets , which enable to connect the parts with rubber, alu or leave open, to create more or less flex. - wire type rear anti-roll bar as standard, as its main used one - mono-type diskbrake

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> News

Sabrina reports EC A 1/8 Luxembourg (2011/08/07)


dear racers,

first i have to say sorry for my delay report, but i needed some time
for me to get rid of the bad result.

free practice started from monday to wednesday. We could practicereally a lot.
We started to running in my new OS engines and we tryeda lot of set ups on my 966.
But on wednesday it was very difficult to
practice still perfect, because we were always 15 drivers for 10 minutes long on the track. And the track was to full of cars and a lot of crashs.

But on thursday they made new heats. Unfortunatly my group was not sogreat because they made the heats from our practice...

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24-07-11USA; Morganti wins with 966-TE; Timezone GP
17-07-11Austria: Wendy Patrick wins with 966-EVO in Austrian nats 1/8
03-07-11Giesa with Serpent 966 /Xceed Euro-Champ 1/8 scale 40+
03-07-11UK: Kyle TQ's and wins round 4 BRCA 1/8
30-06-11Brasil; Fabricio Zamperetti with 966 National Champ F2
28-06-11Salven wins 1/8 scale class with Serpent 966
09-06-11UK: Tim Woods with 966-evo takes 2nd win in UK Nats
03-06-11USA: Jeremy Cupps wins Texas Biggy with 966
01-06-11EC-B 1/8 Germany onroad: 3 Serpent into main final
25-05-11EC-B 1/8 onroad: Eberle and Giesa with 966 3rd and 4th
18-05-11Salven explains on 966 WC parts 2011
10-05-11WC 1/8 onroad USA 2011: Paolo reports
26-04-11Australia: Bartolozzi wins NSW Champs with 966-EVO
25-04-11UK, Kyle Branson wins 1/8 scale nats
18-04-11WC 1/8 2011 Sabrina WC 1/8 interview
16-04-11WC 1/8 onroad USA: eventfull last day ends the WC hopes for Serpent
14-04-11WC 1/8 onroad USA: final qualifying ranking and mains -list files
14-04-11WC 1/8 onroad USA: Morganti takes round 4 with Serpent 966
13-04-11WC 1/8 onroad USA: Morganti sets fastest laptime so far 15.99
13-04-11WC 1/8 onroad USA: 2 heats done, 2 more to go
11-04-11WC 1/8 onroad USA: qualifying starts today
10-04-11WC 1/8, USA: Free Practise is over
05-04-11Spain: Lopez makes podium finish with 966-evo
05-04-11WC 1/8-USA: track seems ready to go, thursday practise starts
04-04-11WC 1/8 onroad: interview with USA top-driver Paolo Morganti
30-03-11WC 1/8: interview with Andrea Cristiany, Italy
30-03-11WC 1/8: Mark Green intro interview
14-03-11Serpent main sponsor of 2011 IFMAR WC 1/8 onroad USA
14-01-11New: Serpent 966-EVO 1/8 scale onroad
22-12-10Sweden: Mikael Fransson rejoins Serpent for 1/10, 1/8 and 1/12 scale
07-12-10China: Salven wins Xceed TRS Cup in Shanghai with Serpent 966/Mega
11-11-10Germany west: complete Serpent 966 podium at Endurance Team Race
25-10-10FEMCA: Suruth with Serpent 966 FEMCA 2010 Champion
24-10-10USA: Morganti wins NR-cup in Homestead with Serpent 966
21-10-10USA: Serpent wins Heart of America Series
18-10-10Germany-West: Hepp wins with Serpent 966 last race and 2010 title !!
17-10-10FEMCA 2010 Championship gas onroad, Acotrack HongKong
14-10-10Italy: Andrea Lorenzi Italian Champion 2010 F1 with 966/Max.
11-10-10UK: TQ for Green, win for Branson both Serpent 966,
11-10-10Italy: Serpent 966 racers dominate Alpen-Cup
11-10-10England: Tim Wood 2008-2009- 2010 National Champion 1/8 with Serpent
05-10-10Sotiropoulos 1/8 Greek Champion 2010
05-10-10Francisco Lara wins Spanish Championship over 40
03-10-10Sabrina reports German Champ 1/8 in Rötz
27-09-10Germany: 1/8 Nats: victory for Klaus Lechner with Serpent 966
25-09-10England: Kyle TQs and wins 1/8 BRCA Nats in Brooklands Serpent 966
19-09-10Netherlands: Victory and National title for van Gastel with Serpent 966
13-09-10Serpent 733 dominate 3rd round of the South African Championships
13-09-10Swedish Cup Series 2010 final round Eskilstuna
07-09-10Francisco Rinaldi and S-966 conquer the podium at the Argentinian Nats
05-09-10Austria: 1/8 nats: victory for Patrick Wendy 966/Mega
02-09-10England: Green TQ and Kyle wins both with 966 at BRCA nats 1/8
01-09-10Germany: EFRA GP 1/8 onroad, Sabrina reports
31-08-10USA: Ciccarello wins GLC with Serpent 966
29-08-10Germany, EFRA GP8; all Serpent podium 966, van Gastel wins 966-Mega
29-08-10USA: Paul Ciccarello with 966 wins Great Lakes Challenge
28-08-10Germany, EFRA GP8; qualifying done, 3 x 966 in top 4
15-08-10EC 1/8 40+ Austria: Alain Levy European Champion with 966
14-08-10UK 1/8 Nats TQ for 966-Bransson and win for 966-Wood
04-08-10Report of the Valladolid Race by Nacho López
04-08-10Warm up German Championship 1/8
04-08-10Serpent wins both classes at the Malaysia Shepherd Cup Round 3 at the Niko Racing Circuit
27-07-10Benelux: van Gastel wins with 966, full Serpent podium
06-07-10Andrea Cristiani report European championships at the Locorotondo track
04-07-10EC 1/8 Italy: Serpent puts 3 cars in the main
03-07-10EC Italy 1/8 gp. qualifying done
01-07-10EC 1/8 Italy: more pictures and 1st practise results
30-06-10Italy: EC 1/8 Team Serpent doing well in practise
29-06-10Italy: EC 1/8 Team Serpent for open practise
27-06-10Kimbrow reports the US onroad nats
20-06-10John Ermen Wins NK at Utrecht track
17-06-10Greece: 1/8 TQ and victory for Serpent driver Sotiropoulos
15-06-10French Nationals 1/8 gas, Redding
13-06-10Japan: Tanaka wins 1/8 Nats with Serpent 966/Max
13-06-10Dutch GP 1/8: TQ and win for van Gastel / 966/Mega, 3rd place Hepp/966
13-06-10USA Nationals: victory for Tosolini /966 and in Masters Davis/966
07-06-10Portugal: south Series Serpent 966 2 and 3 on podium
06-06-10Belgium: all Serpent 966 podium in Gernk opening-race, Ermen wins
06-06-10Monaco; Sabrina reports on the EC-B 1/8
30-05-10EC-B 1/8 Monaco: Tedeschi with Serpent 966 European Champion
29-05-10EC-B 1/8: Lorenzi TQ with Serpent 966/Max
28-05-10EC-B 1/8 Monaco, Wood (Uk) with 966/Mega tops the sheets
27-05-10EFRA EC-B Monaco
25-05-10EFRA EC-B 1/8 onroad, Monaco
25-05-10R.A.M.S RC Race may 22-23 2010
24-05-10Portugal: 1/8 race report; 6 x 966 in the final
19-05-10Spain: Lopez podium finish in Valencia: report
19-05-10UK: Mark Green (966) Tq's and wins BRCA 1/8 scale nats
17-05-10Italy, Sandro Sammarini wins with 966 in Riccione
17-05-10Christian's report of the Kamikaze Invitational race
16-05-10Argentina: 1st round ARG champs; Serpent victory !
11-05-102nd Round Dutch Championship Rucphen
09-05-10Italy, F1 Nationals:1st Lorenzi and 3rd lodeserto with 966
04-05-10Andrea Cristiani report the first race of the Italian championship at the Locorotondo track
03-05-10Kamikaze Rc Racing's Report of the Motonica GP in Las Vegas
03-05-10Second South German Round Championship in Greuthof
01-05-10UK, Mendip; 5 x Serpent 966 in the final
28-04-10Texas Biggy: Cupps (966) TQ-s and wins 2010
26-04-10Germany west: Hepp ( 966) and Rönicke (966) take victory in 1/8
26-04-10UK: Mark Green (966) Tq's and wins BRCA 1/8 scale nats
26-04-10Italy, Fiorano; Serpent 1/8 races
20-04-10Germany; Bamberg race, Sabrina reports
20-04-10Spain: Lopez with 966 wins Nationals warm-up
18-04-10Italy: EFRA GP 1/8: Sabrina reports
13-04-10Flavio wins the 1st round of the Brazilian Championship
12-04-10USA: Morganti TQ's and wins FSS with 966
11-04-10Italy, Poliseno Brian wins South Tirol Series
05-04-10Germany West: Serpent podium in 1/8 gas
01-04-10Ilia van Gastel report Warm Up Locorotondo Italy
30-03-10Holland, Ermen reports from 1/8 Nats
30-03-10EC 1/8 warm-up onroad, video semi's
30-03-10Tony Fileccia reports from the Fairplex Pomona track in California
28-03-10Tobias Hepp; confirmed for 2010 with Serpent
21-03-10Italy, EC 1/8 warm-up results, Andrea on podium
18-03-10EC 1/8 onroad warm-up, Italy
15-03-10France 1/8 Nats: full Serpent podium with 966
14-03-10Lopez with 966 fast in Spain Nats 1/8
01-03-101/8 IFMAR Onroad Worlds track, USA
15-02-10Winternats 2010 by DJ Apolaro
10-02-10Nacho López report Cerdanyola Modelcar Track
27-01-10Agustin Cutini joins Team Serpent Argentina
26-01-10Jim Adkins reports from NovaRossi Challenge, Cali
25-01-10Paul Ciccarello to run Serpent 966 and joins SerpentAmerica
21-12-09Ilia van Gastel returns to Team Serpent
16-12-09DJ wins State Series with 966
13-12-09Huang Yi-Hou wins Taiwan national with 966
09-12-09Kissimmee race Report by Sean Lue
06-12-09Sean Lue takes victory in USA Open Nats with 966
25-11-09Brasil, Flavio takes title with 966
09-11-093-hour race win for Serpent 966 plus team
04-11-09Flavio TQ and wins the 2009 Copa America with 966
03-11-09Sabrina reports, Race / Fair Friedrichshafen
26-10-09Andrea's report of Monaco
26-10-09Riccobono report of Monaco / 966
25-10-09Serpent Taiwan Cup, young Huang-Yi-Ho wins
25-10-09Andrea Cristiani wins GP Monaco / Serpent 966
25-10-09Dani Vega runs Serpent 966 for test
20-10-09NRW Cup, Hepp wins series with Serpent 966
19-10-09Ricardo Henriques takes 4th spot at Portugal Cup
14-10-09Tim Wood takes UK 2009 title with Serpent 966
13-10-09French Cup, 5 x 966 in the final and 2x 966 on the podium
11-10-09Domanin and Truglio: Italian Champions 1/8 scale Serpent 966
07-10-09October-Fest Races, reports Sabrina
04-10-09Germany North: Merlin Depta wins with Serpent 966
04-10-09Alpen-Cup: Wopfner with Serpent 966, TQ, win and Series winner
02-10-09UK: Mark Green (966) TQ's and wins UK National Mendip
01-10-09Italy 966 demo, Calce, track Cassino, video
29-09-09Germany: Hepp (966) TQ's and wins in Oberhausen
28-09-09Serpent dominates Polish Nationals
27-09-09ITA: Calce wins NR Trofeo with Serpent 966
21-09-09Ireland: Two Podium finishes for Serpent at Irish Nationals
20-09-09Austria: Tomaschko wins National with Serpent 1/8
15-09-09Holland: 1/8 Nats Serpent 966 takes 2 and 3 op poidum
15-09-09France: FC 1/8 Clermont Ferrand: 3rd Riccobono -966
09-09-09Mark Green reports about his World championship race in Lostallo
08-09-09Slovanic Cup, Belarus; Results 1/8 scale
06-09-09Spain: Jacky Mouton European Champion with 966
06-09-09USA: Qualifying a the Nats GP 1/10 and 1/8
01-09-09Andrea Cristiani report 1/8 World Championships in Lostallo
01-09-09Germany; NRW Challenge: Hepp wins 1/8 with 966
01-09-09Flavio wins 4th round of São Paulo Championship in São José dos Campos
30-08-09Paolo Morganti reports World Championships 1/8 in Lostallo
25-08-09WC 1/8: Sabrina reports
16-08-09WC: good practise for Team Serpent
13-08-09WC 1/8: Practise started
10-08-09UK: Serpent wins 1/10 and 1/8 nitro
10-08-09Slavonic Cup: all info now online 1/8 scale
09-08-09Polen: rc racing GP Pacanow
14-07-09UK: Green Tq's and wins with 966, top 4 x 966
14-07-09Italy: 1/8 nats in Gubbio, good results with 966
13-07-09Brasil: Flavio Elias (966) is the 2009 1/8 On road Brazilian Champion!
13-07-09Germany: 1/8 Nats Gruber Junior Champ and overall 3rd.
13-07-09Germany: 1/8 Nats Sabrina reports
13-07-09Argentina: racereport
12-07-09Taiwan: Jones wins 1/8 National GP with Serpent 966, Wang 2nd.
10-07-09Brasil; Denilson with 966 wins 1st Cpoa Vale
29-06-09Swiss: 1/8 warm-up race: Sabrina reports
28-06-09Swiss: 1/8 WC warm-up results
17-06-09Sabrina Lechner reports from Europe
16-06-09France: Serpent TQ / wins both classes Elite and National with 966
14-06-09DJ Apolaro reports Bumod Grand prix 2009
09-06-09USA: Maxy Velazco takes win at Capitol Classic with 966
09-06-09Serpent is the leader of the Round 2 of Belarus RC National Championship.
07-06-09Germany 1/8: TQ and complete Serpent 966 podium in North
03-06-09Turkye: Bumod Grand Prix
31-05-09Italy: EC-B Final result: Vadala 3rd for Serpent, 4 cars in the final
30-05-09Italy, EC 1/8 B: Qualfying finished
29-05-09Italy: EC-B 1st heat
28-05-09Jordy Blok wins Concours d'elegance
25-05-09Team Serpent: Jilles Groskamp
24-05-09Italy, EC-B 1/8 Cassino
24-05-09Valentio Rossi with Serpent 966 video
19-05-09Italy, Cristiani wins Sprint Trofeo with S966
19-05-09Florida Series Season Finale
18-05-09UK: Serpent 966 Green TQ and Serpent 966 / Wood win
17-05-09Andreas Giesa wins first round of German Northern Championship
10-05-09Italy: Valentino Rossi races Serpent 966
04-05-09Brasil: Flavio Elias TQ and winner with Serpent 966
04-05-09France: Elite class 1/8 (report Riccobono )
04-05-09France: 1/8 National class: Serpent TQ and win
03-05-09Valentino Rossi meets Serpent driver Andrea Cristiani (966-Italy)
26-04-09Dutch 1/8 GP: Serpent 966 takes top 4 position in qualifying
21-04-09Germany: Victory for Gruber with 966/MegaZX in Section-East
19-04-09New Zealand: 966 track test and race
19-04-09Germany: Sabrina wins with Serpent 966 South Series
19-04-09UK Nats: Green Tq's with 966 and Pete Hastings with 966 takes the win
14-04-09France: 1/8 Nats: Colinet Tq's and wins with Serpent 966
08-04-09966 Serpent Spring Steel drive-shafts branded
07-04-09Italy: 1/8 Nats Cassino
06-04-09First Dutch National Championship at the Rucphen track
05-04-09Gianni Sotiropoulo wins first national race in Greece with 966
02-04-09Scoop: Valentino Rossi secret test of the Serpent 960 in Italy
30-03-09966 takes victory at the Texas Biggie
29-03-09Germany, Schewiola wins 1st race with S966/Mega ZX in West-Championship
25-03-09Grand Prix EFRA 1/8 Aulnay
23-03-09S-blog: Sabrina Lechner, GP France
21-03-09France: EFRA GP 1/8 Aulnay
19-03-09Serpent 966 and upgrade, supply update
16-03-09Germany, Sabrina Lechner to race Serpent 966 -720 in 2009
15-03-09Paolo Morganti report Florida Winternats
15-03-09Paolo Morganti report Round 6 of Florida State Series
15-03-09Serpent 966 set-up sheets now online
11-03-09Team France 1/8 with former champs Christiany and Aygon onboard
10-03-09Flavio Elias TQ’s and wins 1st Brasil Nats with 966 !!!
26-02-09Flavio/Brasil on podium at Winternats with 966
31-01-09Serpent 966 scoop-3
22-12-08Serpent 960 - DJ wins Toys for tots race
09-12-08Cyprus, Charalambous claims back 1:8 Championship & title with S960
09-12-08Brasil: Flavio 2008 champion with 960
12-11-08Andrea Cristiani wins Motonica trophy
12-11-08Matticoli vice-champion at Copa Americano in ARG
03-11-08Dutch Serpent rc car driver tests in F3 car
29-10-08Nam is Korean Champion 2008 with Serpent
26-10-08Germany, Merlin wins with 960
21-10-08Serpent Drivers Claim All 3 Major On-Road IC Championships in 2008.
21-10-08Flavio Elias & Serpent are Brazilian Champions
09-10-08Tim Wood takes UK 2008 1/8 championship for Serpent
08-10-08Robin d'Hondt 1/8 Belgian Champion 2008
16-09-08Rischard Dirk is Lux. Champion
16-09-08Double Hungarian Championship honours for Serpent
16-09-08The Apolaro Report - Florida State Series
15-09-08Ermen checks in - Dutch Nationals Round 5
15-09-08Charalambous take win for Serpent in Cyprus
11-09-08The Apolaro Report - 1:8 US Nationals
26-08-08Wood takes second 1:8 BRCA win
21-08-08The Apolaro Report - Podium at Great Lakes Challenge
19-08-08Victory in Luxembourg for Hepp
12-08-08Hepp wins German regional race
12-08-08ORCA Championship title for Byrne
06-08-08D'hondt's view - Belgain Championship Round 4
28-07-08Lackner takes European 1:8 Junior title
25-07-08Fantini puts 960 on EC pole position
24-07-08Serpent victory at Texas Biggie
14-07-08Kurzbuch wins Round 3 of Swiss Nationals
13-07-08Connolly is 2008 Irish Champion
11-07-08Wombwell victory for Wood
08-07-08John Ermen checks in - Victory in Luxembourg
07-07-08Connolly repeats double
23-06-08Double Podium for Serpent in Swedish Cup
16-06-08Paolo Morganti reports on Capitol Classic
16-06-08Serpent 1-2-3 at ORCA Race
08-06-08Champion Cabezas takes first win
04-06-08Dirk wins Luxembourg National
03-06-08Connolly first to do the double in Ireland
28-05-08Cristiani wins Italian 1:8 Open Championship
27-05-08Futaba OS Jakarta Open report from Peter Widjaja
21-05-08The Apolaro Report - Roar Region 4 Championships
20-05-08Hicklin maintains Serpent winning run
18-05-08Return victory for Lacey
13-05-08Salven eases to Oberhausen victory
11-05-08Salven to support Serpent drivers at 1:8 EC-B
04-05-08Tomaschko wins 1:8 EC-B Warm Up Race
27-04-08Serpent 960 1-2-3 at Halifax
27-04-08TQ & Podium for Lackner in Swiss Nationals
24-04-08Serpent 960-08 kit production ready
15-04-08Robin D'Hondt reports on his first Belgian National encounter
14-04-08Serpent get Hungarian Nationals off to a great start
07-04-08Great start to Irish Nationals for Team Serpent
07-04-08Cabezas takes first podium in Round 2
02-04-08Andrea Cristiani reports on the Italian Nitro Tour
31-03-08Nam takes double win at KORG
26-03-08Italian Serpent Nitro Tour returns to Fiorano
26-03-08Diver wins BRCA 1:8 Season opener
05-03-08Champion Sotiropoulos wins Greek Nationals opener
27-02-08Paolo Morganti reports on how 'the unbreakable broke'
25-02-08Cabezas breaks track record in Spanish 1:8 opener
24-02-08Too little fuel, too much rain - Jared Scott gives his account of the Winternats
29-01-08Tobias Hepp joins SDD program
23-01-08Another successful Hong Kong Nitro Tour
06-01-08Hong Kong kicks off 2008 Serpent Nitro Tour
16-12-07Serpent introduce the 960-08
28-11-07Sang Jun & Hyun Ho win 2007 Korea Cup
19-11-07Zachariades claims back to back 1:8 Championships & title double
13-11-07Nations Cup glory for Spain and Netherlands
30-10-07Sotiropoulos is Greek 1:8 Champion Again!
24-10-07Serpent end BRCA Nationals with 960 1-2 finish
21-10-07Back to back Spanish National titles for Cabezas
21-10-07Defending Nations Cup Champions announce strong 2007 squad
16-10-07Serpent Racing School AMCA Apeldoorn
15-10-07Spain confirms Serpent Nations Cup teams
14-10-07WC - Andrea Cristiani is Vice World Champion
12-10-07WC - Fantini & Serpent 960 claim TQ in Cordoba
10-10-07WC - Fantini holds pole position going into day 3
09-10-07WC - Serpent top qualifying after 2 rounds
01-10-07Green & Serpent are British 1:8 Champions
01-10-07Austria announce strong Nations Cup squad
25-09-07Luxembourg title for Rischard & Serpent 960
24-09-07Team Serpent Brazil secure another double win
10-09-07Connolly heads Serpent 1-2 in Irish National
03-09-07Bergfelt is Swedish Champion
27-08-07Green claims fifth 1:8 win in UK Championship
20-08-07Serpent/Mega dominate 3rd Round of South African Championships
20-08-07Dalton Touring Master
30-07-07Ireland first to confirm teams for 2007 Nations Cup
27-07-07Salven TQ's European Championships
26-07-07Serpent host EC BBQ, Geisendorf Fastest
26-07-07Serpent heads EC Qualifying as Cuypers is fastest at Lostallo
24-07-07SangJun and DooHyun win latest Serpent Korea Cup encounter
22-07-07Green shows the way again in latest British 1:8 encounter
15-07-072007 Nations Cup date announced
10-07-07Serpent do the double at Trofeo Novarossi
10-07-07D'Hondt wins at Bierset
04-07-07De Vallier & Serpent crowned Italian Junior Champions
01-07-07D'Hondt claims Benelux Championship title
27-06-07Suruth triumphs at Singapore Invitational Challenge
26-06-07Cupps wins at Region Nine ROAR Championships
25-06-07Wood wins to keep Serpent domination intact
17-04-07Colinet triumphs at Besançon
17-04-07D'hondt on top in Belgium
12-03-07Cabezas conquers all in Spanish Nationals opener
09-11-06Tadahiko Sahashi (Serpent/Mega) TQ's Japan Nats 1/8
12-06-06Masao Tanaka 2006 Asia-FEMCA championships
10-06-06GP 1/8 Sweden
10-06-06GP 1/8 Sweden. Salven interview
01-06-06Fransson wins 1/8 National with S960
28-05-06Andrea Serpent 960/Max wins EC-B 2006
27-05-06Christiani (I) Serpent 960/Max TQ at 2006 EC-B France
23-05-06Cuypers wins 1/8 scale Belgian Nats in Luxemboug
17-05-06Racing in Argentina
06-05-06Team Serpent / Mega dominate the Florida Series
03-05-06Races 30 april 2006
25-04-06Swiss 1/8: Geisendorf TQ and win in Schaffhausen
24-04-06Nock Yokoyama TQ and Tanaka 1st both Serpent 960
28-03-06FRANCE GP 1/8
25-03-06Salven TQ at French GP 2006
15-02-06Central Park Endurance race 150 minutes
05-01-062-Speed GMBH new Serpent-Mega distributor for Germany
04-01-06Arya from Indonesia at Hong Kong Serpent Nitro Tour