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> European Championship 1/10 at the Gubbio track in Italy

European Championship 1/10 at the Gubbio track in Italy.


20th - 26th July 2009

Gubbio, Italy

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EC 1/10 Italy: Sabrina reports (2009/08/11)

We started our trip to Gubbio on Sunday at 1 p.m.
Jirka Hassler from Serpent Europe, who was kind enough to be my mechanic for the EC, picked me up and we began the 700 km trip.

We finally arrived early Sunday morning and a lot of work was waiting for us already. Italian Serpent driver Giordano Agostinelli had not received his 733 yet and in a team effort,...

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EC 1/10: friday part 2 (2009/07/24)

At the end of the 2 runs, its young gun Kyle Bransson ( age 15 if I am right) taking Serpent 733 into the top 10, the time from his 1st heat.

His team-mates all had their share of misfortune. Green touched curb and broke a wheel, Salven could only do a few laps, Mazzeo same, Groskamp working on engine/mixture, after a very fast 1st heat, but then DQ'ed from...

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EC 1/10: Serpent driver buffet (2009/07/24)

Serpent organised together with SprintRC, the italian distributore,  a nice Serpent drivers gathering on friday evening, enjoying the Italian life-style with good wine and great food.

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EC 1/10: friday report 1 (2009/07/23)

Groskamp tops  free practise twice in a row and records the fatest practise laptime of the day with 16.044

Its a very close affair, under extremely hot conditions, close to 40 dgr C.

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EC 1/10: thursday report Serpent pit (2009/07/22)

Last day of practise before the real stuff starts.

Jilles with the 4th fastest time and happy with pace of his Serpent 733. He can run very consistent laptimes which will prove essential in qualifying.

Salven (Serpent 733/Mega ZX) was also very fast with a 6th fastest lap of the day. Some motor-issues lost a few practise laps. Its a very fast Mega ZX engine,...

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EC 1/10: wednesday Serpent pit report 2 (2009/07/21)

Wednesday was an interesting day and still not finished.  Many set-ups are tried. Bodies, tyres, fuel, diffs, shocks etc etc. Lots of stuff to try.

Team Serpent is sharing the set-up work, as to cover more possibilities in shorter time and learn the new 733 car quicker.

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EC 1/10: tuesday Serpent pit-report (2009/07/20)

Stef reports from the Serpent pit.

Team Serpent is dialing in the new Serpent 733 at the Gubbio track.  Most drivers have just received the Serpent 733 kits in the week prior to the EC or at the EC itself.  So there is some fine-tuning and explaining to do.

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Team Serpent prepared for the EC (2009/07/17)

The preparations for the EC are mostly done, just a few more days to start the EC in Gubbio, Italy.

Around 15 drivers will run the 733 car in Gubbio, some of them are building the car now, or will get it this weekend ... lots of nice work ahead.

Michael Salven's 733 car had its last check thursday on the MACH track and its now ready for Italy.

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